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Life Over God

The idea that man can control the world through scientific understanding and application is a powerful and pervasive notion. According to this viewpoint, the world is governed by scientific principles that anyone can comprehend and utilize. The belief here is that with the right formulas and knowledge, one can replace the need for a relationship with God. As a result, people gradually cease to rely on God, shifting their faith to the power of science and human intellect. 

This way of relating to God can manifest in many different ways. One of the biggest way this manifests is the notion that we only need the right recipe for a perfect world. People start to think that if they just find the "right" recipe or formula, everything will be perfect. They will tell you that we just need more information. That increased knowledge and education will solve most, if not all, problems. Some people will say that eradicating poverty will lead to a perfect society. Others hold the belief that taking care of the planet will address many of the world's issues. Some also assert that spreading love and kindness will bring about positive change. Have a look at this link for an example of this: All we need is Love | Official Video | Shaan Feat. Lopamudra | Sagar Dhote | Love Song 2022

With the Life Over God approach, we tend to treat our relationship with God and the world like we are in the kitchen. Just as everyone can make a delicious curry if they have the right recipe, This second way believes that having the correct "formula" for life will lead to success. 

Students might begin to rely solely on studying and acquiring knowledge instead of seeking divine guidance for their academic success. The belief here is that hard work and understanding the material are all that is needed. While studying hard is, in and of itself, extremely important for a person’s academic success, we cannot, and must, not cut off our relationship with the God who gave us our bright minds in the first place!

Some believe that if everyone adhered to a particular religious doctrine (e.g., if everyone was Muslim), society would be perfect. The Live Over God idea promotes the following of a specific set of rules or teachings that will lead to a utopian world.

In summary, the concept of "Life Over God" suggests that man, through the power of science and human intellect, can control and perfect the world. This belief diminishes the need for divine intervention, placing the responsibility for creating a better world squarely on human shoulders. We cannot do it alone.

That is why having a life coach can help you achieve the right kind of relationship with the world and most importantly with God.


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